Wednesday, July 24, 2013

August Hello Box Sign Ups

Can you believe that summer is almost already over?
Where has this year gone?

It's time to sign up for the Hello Box for August!
Are you ready to meet other bloggers?
Lauren came up with this a few months ago and with her upcoming nuptials she has asked me to take over for a few months!

If you are just tuning in, Hello Box is a new monthly program where we pair you with a blogger and
you get to know a new friend in blogland.
I have met some amazing new friends through the Hello Box link up.

Get to know the person behind the blog/shop
Email, Text, GChat, etc your new friend.
Send them encouragement during the month,
comment on their blog.
Talk to them and see how you can help each other. Even if it’s simply asking
"how is your day is going?"
Send a small gift, no more than $10 to brighten their day, sometime during the month.


Friend them on Facebook.

Collaborate on a project (linky, blog post…)

Sponsor their blog or shop!

Blogger date if you are close by.

Please don't sign up then not do what is mandatory.

Sign Up Here!

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