Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Girl Behind the Blog-Vlog {Link up}

Today I'm linking up with Erin & Ashley to do a vlog about 3 things I just can't live without!

Yes I'm at work vlogging what else is there to do? Especially since its the end of the month :) I'm a rebel. Shoot me!

This is my first vlog and it's super short. Like 1 minute I think. Its actually supposed to be 3 minutes. But like I said I'm a rebel!


Halloween Happenings {WILW}

Happy Halloween!!!

What I'm absolutely lovin' this Wednesday...
{I'm loving} that I have the best bloggy friends ever! I still believe they are closer to me than my friends I've known for years.
{I'm loving} that I'm still amazed by him!
{I'm loving} that it's the end of the month! YAY for a few slow days at work.
{I'm loving} that November & December are short work months!
{I'm loving} the cold temps N.FL has gotten this week.
{I'm loving} that I have cheesy potato soup in the crockpot for when I get home this evening.
{I'm loving} that my sweet friend Katie is "shooting" me during our mini session tonight! Last night we had to reschedule due to conflicts with our schedules. Darn you traffic!
What are you loving on this gorgeous Wednesday?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

It's a BOY!!!

A sweet friend posted on FB that she was giving away 3 adorable puppies. I'm a sucker when it comes to puppies, kittens, unicorns and rainbows! I immediately showed my brother Jeremy the pictures she posted. He immediately fell in love too.

We picked up a new baby boy last night! I seriously don't know what was going through my mind but Dodger & Oakley love him! It's going to take time getting used to having a 7-8 week old puppy again in the house. We were just getting out of the puppy stage with D-man.

I think we're still deciding on a name for little man but we do have a runner up.... Mac. Cute right?

He slept all night with the exception of me waking him up at 2 to go outside. But if he could've stayed asleep he would've. And yes he's my brothers dog but it sleeping with me. Yay! I have a feeling this puppy is going to be just as attached to me as Dodger & Oakley are.

More pictures to come once I get photostream to stream my iPhone pics over to my Ipad.

Until then have a great Thursday!!!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

{I'm loving}.... that its the middle of the week and its my Monday!

{I'm loving}.... that I get to see H & R this week more than usual since I'm picking them up from school.

{I'm loving}.... his cuddles, when he plays with my hair, his kisses, the way he makes me laugh, his texts....everything about him.

{I'm loving}.... that we may be getting another puppy tonight!

{I'm loving}.... that my blog design should be ready soon! eeeekkk!

{I'm loving}.... all my new bloggy friends I have found lately through all of your blogs!

{I'm loving}.... that its the biggest game of the year this weekend! FL/GA

What are you loving this week?


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

2 weeks

This is how I feel about whats happening in 2 weeks! Not to mention jury duty was a blast and we came up with a verdict!

Heres our gorgeous courthouse again!

Hope y'all had a great Tuesday!


Monday, October 22, 2012

jury duty....

I was summoned for jury duty! I dreaded the moment that I had to call the clerks of court to see if my group was called. Of course with my luck it was. I actually really enjoyed being part of a jury though. Who knew. I loved listening to both sides of the story and watch these attorneys state their sides. Tomorrow we get to pick our verdict. I really wish I would've went to school to be an attorney now. I know its not too late but have I mentioned that I hate school? If I could get paid more than $15 a day to be on the jury I would do it everyday! Not kidding either.

Besides the 300 million courthouse is gorgeous! Yes you read that right.

I'll be back to posting my regular posts hopefully tomorrow evening. I've missed blogging so much. And now I feel like I have so much to blog. I'm also looking into getting a new design which I've never had anyone design for me. I'm super excited about that!


Friday, October 19, 2012


Source: via ~ LAES on Pinterest
True story!
 Enough said.
For now!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Seriously when did she get this big! I love her outlook on life! I love that her personality is totally me. My sister on the other hand gets to raise "me" all over again & I love that! That'll teach her to not be mean to me again! Haha :) or to make an imaginary line in the bedroom & tell me not to cross it! Or to say I was adopted although I LOOK JUST LIKE YOU!!! Oh sister you were a mean one! :) but thank you for giving me a niece who is just like me!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Y'all my life has changed drastically lately! I was introduced to a keratin treatment over the weekend and boy does my hair feel good. The best part is I paid nothing for it. Literally zero dollars. It helps my that brothers gf works at a hair school and gets the product for me!

My hair is the silkiest it's ever been! Here's a before excuse the mean look and no make up I was dead tired!

And the after! Aghhh how amazing is that!!

I recommend a keratin treatment if you ever get the chance! Yes it's pricey! Very pricey but if you have a hairstylist friend willing to try it go for it!


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ladies night

I believe ladies night should be every Friday! My girlfriends planned a craft night last weekend but I ended up not crafting! Well I did I made a tutu but I wasn't planning on crafting! These are the best girl friends I could ever have. We were all able to relax and unload from the week.

I need another ladies night! Who's up for it this week?

Thank you ladies for making me crack up ALL night!

Y'all are amazeballs!

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