Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans + Surgery Update

My weekend shenanigans & surgery update!
My weekend started Thursday night.
I met my sister & Haley for a mani/pedi after work then we ate dinner.
I was a nervous wreck going into surgery the next morning and spending time with those two ladies really helped clam my nerves! Haley is the sweetest little 6 year old you'll ever meet. She kept telling my sister that they had to pray for me tonight before they went to bed!
 I slept like a baby Thursday night and was well rested for a 5:30 am wake up call! I was in a deep sleep even when J got home from work.
Little did I know my anesthesologist wouldn't show up to knock me out so I ended up with local anesthsia. The shot was the worst part of the entire surgery. I loved that I was awake and talking to my doctor the whole time he was cutting the cyst/mass out. & I even asked him to show me what it looked like. Seriously it looked like a marble sized brain. I'm recovering really good and I'm already back to work. The meds is what really puts me out for the day. Josh wanted to get out of the house on Friday evening so we went shopping & out to dinner. I kept getting hot flashes and got really clammy but every time he asked me what my pain level was I told him I was fine. Which in the end I was fine and we enjoyed our little outing! I go back this Thursday to have my stutures removed & hopefully get the results back!
Saturday I went home since J had to work and look who stayed by my side most of the day!
Then Dodger decided loved watching the Kentucky Derby!
It rained from Thursday - Saturday which was perfect weather to recover in!
Except Saturday evening I ended up getting a migraine that knocked me out for the night.

 Sunday turned out to be beautiful so we had a Sunday Funday! We didn't celebrate Cinco de Mayo because we knew all the Mexican restaurants would be crazy so we tried this new local pizza place which also makes their own beer. If you J you'll know he loves trying out to beers.
How amazing is that beer sign!
Don't try to order it because you won't find it in this restaurant!
I ended up not feeling too good after we left but after a few minutes we were on the road to my house so J could put his motorcycle back together.

I ended Sunday night by trying to find the owner of a boxer mix.
The sweet little pup followed two boys riding their bikes across a busy street and I ended up with him. Thank God for FB because a friend I went to school with said she'd keep him until we found the owner. & this morning he was reunited!
Happy Monday!


  1. I am so glad your surgery went smoothly other than being awake the whole time. That sounds freaky, but it sounds like you handled it like a champ!! I hope you get good news on Thursday!!

  2. Glad to hear surgery went well! And hopefully you'll get good results back on Thursday. Sounds like you had a nice, relaxing weekend. Hope you have a good day friend :)

  3. YAY Tally's boyfriend found his home! I was hoping I wouldn't have to make the 5 hour trip to retrieve him! I am happy you is feeeling betters!

  4. Keeping you in my thoughts for your results. Glad the surgery went well.


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