Sunday, December 20, 2009

Weekend happenings

My weekend started out something like this:

I went to the Jags game on Thursday night and where we park we have to run across the Expressway. Well we made it all the way across and had to run across another lane that merges and I fell off the curb (median)!!! Needless to say I fractured my ankle, scuffed my new seude boots, skinned my knees and palms and also ripped my leggings!!!!

Jamie, Joe, Haley & Ryne were in town this weekend so I was able to see my sweet nephew again! This is Ryne who is about to go Christmas shopping for the first time! Can't you see his excitement!!

Here is Katie- the best friend a girl could possibly ask for- who pushed me around the Avenues mall on the Saturday before Christmas! I had yet to start my Christmas shopping! I will never wait this long again to start. You never know what will happen!! Click on the link and check out Katie's photography website!

Saturday night I had Christmas with my two best friends- Molly & Katie- at Outback. Don't mind my death look! I have been sick all weekend with a cold. I've been pretty miserable considering I can barely breathe and walk.

After dinner Katie and I tried "poofing" our hair! I think we did pretty good! Have you seen the video? If not this video will change your life!

Hope y'all are ready for Christmas!!!


  1. Yall did do a great job! I saw that video from Kelly's site...HILARIOUS! Noah came over to see what I was watching & quickly lost interest :) Merry Christmas!!!!

  2. You have a sweet BFF!!!!!!

  3. Awesome job on the hair poof! Sorry you got hurt!


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