Can you guess whats in these bags?
Yep, you guess it! Tonight I went to Wal-Mart and bought all of this to make my bags for the homeless men!
I was too excited to wait another day to make these bags so here's the final project!
This was such an amazing night for me. When I was checking out of Wal-Mart this man with his two sons were in line behind me and saw all my 10 items each of everything. He asked me if I was going camping with 10 other people. I had to laugh because it was a lot of different small items, but then went on to say that this season I was giving to the homeless. I then go chills when he thanked me for doing this and said he was taking his boys to the soup kitchen so they can see that they should be thankful for what they have. My heart feels so heavy for those in need. This season I don't need/want anything (although I need mention a few things I would like to get) but rather I want those who want to give me a present to get something I can give to someone in need. You can still wrap it up and tell me that this is for the needy. I pray that many of you will find an organization this season and give.